Speaker 1 (00:00): Coming up on Art Palace and in the darkness he heard a voice say, stop. Stay. Still. Be all right. And then when the lights came on, he was facing Mr. (00:31): Welcome to Art Palace, produced by Cincinnati Art Museum. This is your host, Russell iig. Here at the Art Palace, we meet cool people and then talk to them about art. Today's cool people are Kristen Vincenti and Caitlyn Charro and the ghosts of the Cincinnati Art Museum. That's right. We're going on a ghost tour. You can enjoy this episode from the safety of your home, but we hope you'll take the tour in person and use this episode as your audio guide. We'll let you know when we are about to move to a new gallery, and you can pause whenever you hear music. You'll probably want to map from the front desk unless you know the gallery numbers by heart. We begin our tour in the Cincinnati Wing Gallery 1 0 7 near the Samuel Best clock. Welcome to the Cincinnati Art Museum. We are going to tell some scary stories today. Alright, so I'm here right now with Caitlin Charro and Kristen Vincenti. Speaker 2 (01:42): Hello. Speaker 1 (01:43): And Kristen, you're the assistant to the director, Speaker 2 (01:47): Correct? Is Speaker 1 (01:47): That your actual title? Speaker 2 (01:48): That is my actual title. That and chaos coordinator. Speaker 1 (01:51): Nice. I can't believe, I'm glad I nailed that. And I'm not even going to guess your actual title. What is it, Caitlin? Speaker 2 (02:01): Oh man, I ask myself that every day. No, it is Marketing and Communications Associates. Speaker 1 (02:08): Hello? Nice. Okay. Do you want anyone want to wager a guess on my title? See how Speaker 2 (02:13): Isn't it? Assistant Director of interpretive programming, Speaker 1 (02:16): Man. Speaker 2 (02:17): Got it. Nailed it. Got it. I'm dancing right now. You can't see. That's Speaker 1 (02:20): Why she's the assistant to the director right there knows Everyth, she knows things. She has to know Speaker 2 (02:24): Things like people's titles. You in an open air. That's true. Okay. Speaker 1 (02:27): That's true. Okay. That's true. So ladies, we are in Gallery 1 0 7 and we are looking at the first piece on our tour today. And this is the Samuel Best clock. Now, Samuel, best, you're making faces. Why are you making faces already? I haven't said anything. Speaker 2 (02:47): It literally, I know where this is going and it's not going to be good. Well look at the creepy face on it. I know it's got a creepy face. It looks like something out of Alice in Wonderland. Like you're going to fall into it or something, Speaker 3 (03:00): Or something's going to pop out of it. Speaker 1 (03:02): It is very traditionally like something you would imagine in a haunted house, right? Yes. This creepy old clock. Well, Samuel Best was a silversmith in Cincinnati and the early days, and he pre-civil war and he made other things, including this clock. And this was from his home. And when they were installing this originally, it wasn't Speaker 2 (03:25): In the art museum or at his house Speaker 1 (03:26): In the art museum. Yeah, when they were installing it in the art museum. Right. When the Cincinnati wing, one of our curators, Anita, and one of the installers were working late and they were putting it up. And one thing you should know about this is it doesn't have any of the weights in it, so there's no counterweights or anything to keep the clock running. So they were installing it in a nearby gallery and they had left that room and they just heard a loud bong. Speaker 3 (04:00): Oh my God. Bong Speaker 2 (04:03): Samuel Best. Why Speaker 1 (04:05): Bong Speaker 3 (04:06): The ghost of Samuel Best? He Speaker 2 (04:08): Wants our souls. Speaker 1 (04:09): Yes. So the art installer walked into the gallery where the clock was and then just came back all white and said, we need to go right now. Speaker 3 (04:21): Oh my God. Speaker 1 (04:21): And he never told her what he saw, but they, he Speaker 2 (04:25): Saw something Speaker 1 (04:26): Apparently. Oh no. What Speaker 3 (04:28): Apparently something scary enough where they had to be like, Speaker 1 (04:32): We're going, we Speaker 2 (04:32): Need to go. We're Speaker 1 (04:33): Getting out. Speaker 2 (04:33): Go. Listen. Our installers are pretty tough people. And for them to be terrified that saying something Speaker 1 (04:37): That's true. They're Speaker 2 (04:38): Like, they touch shrunken heads and stuff. Speaker 1 (04:41): Yeah, they're a heartier lot than we, that's for sure. Common thing. So let's go to our next stop. We are going to go very close by just to gallery one 10. So we're just going to go past the window, past Eve to one 10. Okay, ladies, we're here in front of the bronze effigy of Elizabeth Boot. Now that's a little bit of a misnomer because do you know what this is actually made out of? Speaker 3 (05:19): No. No, Speaker 2 (05:21): It's not bronze. Speaker 1 (05:22): No, it's not bronze. That's why I said it's, that's Speaker 2 (05:24): What I would've guessed. Speaker 1 (05:26): And actually on the wall, as I'm looking at it now, this was on my notes that it said bronze. It actually says memorial to Elizabeth Venet, which is correct because it's not bronze. It's plaster. Speaker 2 (05:37): Plaster. Speaker 3 (05:37): They had that back then. Speaker 2 (05:39): Is it painted? Plaster's been Speaker 1 (05:40): Around for quite a while. Yeah, it, it's painted plaster. So the actual tomb where she's buried is bronze. Speaker 3 (05:51): Okay, good. Speaker 2 (05:51): So she's not in here. Speaker 1 (05:52): She's not in here, no. Speaker 2 (05:53): Okay. That would be terrifying. Speaker 3 (05:54): Yeah. Well, her body might not be in here, but her spirit could be in here, guys. Speaker 1 (06:00): Well, that's what people say. So she's buried in Italy. Speaker 3 (06:05): Oh, cool. Speaker 1 (06:05): So you're like, oh, a nice vacation. Way to go. Speaker 3 (06:10): Way to go. Mary. Speaker 1 (06:10): Is it Speaker 3 (06:10): Mary? Speaker 1 (06:11): Elizabeth? Elizabeth. Elizabeth. Speaker 3 (06:14): Same 18 hundreds. He name. Yeah. Speaker 1 (06:16): Mary Elizabeth. Elizabeth. Same business. They're They're really the same name. Pretty Speaker 3 (06:21): Much. Yeah. Speaker 1 (06:21): We have none of the same letters. Oh, Speaker 3 (06:24): Now Speaker 1 (06:25): I guess they share an A. Yeah, Speaker 3 (06:27): They do. Speaker 1 (06:27): There we go, Speaker 3 (06:28): Elizabeth. Speaker 1 (06:29): So anyway, Elizabeth was in love with Frank Duveneck. Have you heard of him? Speaker 3 (06:36): A couple times? Yes. Speaker 1 (06:39): There. Yeah. Good. Right behind you. Yeah. And that is actually bronze. Oh, cool. Yeah. So that is a self-portrait he made. And then he was deeply in love with Elizabeth, who, if you actually look or Speaker 3 (06:53): Mary, he called her Mary sometimes. Speaker 1 (06:54): No, I don't think that's true. I think you're just making that up. If you look over, you'll see a painting of Elizabeth wearing, or Lizzie, we'll call her Lizzie for short. Lizzie, she did go by Lizzie. So this is a fair, we can call her Lizzie if it's easier than Mary. And Oh my gosh, why are people just slamming the doors? Speaker 3 (07:18): It could be the ghost of Lizzie. Speaker 1 (07:20): It could be Speaker 3 (07:20): Lizzie. Speaker 1 (07:21): So this is a painting of Lizzie, and next to her is her father Dun. And he's not looking super happy. And he did not approve of his daughter being in a relationship with some no good artists like Frank Venet. So they begged and begged, but he didn't approve. And finally when the old man kicked the bucket, they actually did get married and she was I think close to 40 at that time. Oh Speaker 3 (07:50): Wow. Rebel. Speaker 1 (07:51): Yeah. So they got married and she was an artist as well. She actually painted those leaves and apples that you see on the wall over there. Very pretty. So they were both artists and they were traveling in a show in Europe when she became very ill. And she got pneumonia and died. This was very shortly after they were married. Frank was very, very sad about this. Of course. He had waited so long to marry her. He created this memorial for her. We've had some of our guards say that when they've been in this gallery and they've been all by themselves, they've heard a faint. And it's actually saying the name Frank too. And a cough. And Speaker 3 (08:39): A cough. She had pneumonia. Pneumonia. Speaker 1 (08:42): Right. So this is one of those pieces that we don't know. Maybe her spirit lurks Speaker 3 (08:48): With things Speaker 1 (08:49): Still. Alright, well, are you ready for our next stop? I Speaker 3 (08:51): Don't know. Let's just hope Lizzie doesn't stop us. Frank. Speaker 1 (08:56): Yeah, Speaker 2 (08:56): No, no. Lizzie. Speaker 1 (08:59): Stay there. Stay there. Stay there. Stay girl. Stay. All right. We're going to go right next door to one 11. So we are now in one 11, and this is now part of the Cincinnati wing with all this Cincinnati art, car furniture. But at one point they had period rooms in this area. So different rooms from all, they had ones from Europe, they had ones from the United States, and they would in a way kind of similar where they'd have furniture, but it would be peeking into their world. And so in this room was a ballroom from the Civil War called, I guess the ballroom. Did you Speaker 2 (09:49): Just get a chill, Caitlin? I saw a chill. Speaker 3 (09:52): Yeah. Speaker 2 (09:52): You like Speaker 3 (09:53): Cold. Like I'm cold. Speaker 2 (09:54): Yeah. Speaker 3 (09:55): That means ghosts are around. Literally Speaker 2 (09:57): Russell, as soon as you said civil war, she was like, Speaker 1 (10:01): Oh Speaker 3 (10:02): No, that's when ghosts are around. It's really cold. Speaker 1 (10:05): She probably just got a chill. She was like, I think you mean the war of Northern aggression. That's probably what that was Speaker 3 (10:11): About. That's what it's really called. Speaker 1 (10:12): Yes, exactly. I'm sorry to offend your southern sensibilities, Speaker 3 (10:17): Pathology acceptance. Speaker 1 (10:18): Yes, we can say that. We can make that joke on this side of the river. I guess. So anyway, this was a place where it was very early in the war, and they would host parties and a lot of soldiers would even come to these parties. And so some of our security guards have reported seeing a man dressed in full civil war gear sort of leaning against the wall. He's just relaxing at a party. Yep. Speaker 2 (10:50): What Speaker 3 (10:50): We're looking around, Speaker 2 (10:53): Russell, why did you tell him to keep all the lights off? This really doesn't help. Speaker 3 (10:56): And there's mirrors. This is great. Speaker 1 (11:04): Well, we'll move on. That's really it. I don't have a lot more to that story. It's pretty quick one. Speaker 2 (11:08): It's so creepy. Speaker 1 (11:09): So we're going to move down just a couple galleries to one 15. Okay. So we are now in one 15, which is actually a pretty small gallery. We're surrounded by pottery and we actually have some sunlight now out the window. So maybe this will be a little less spooky for you, Speaker 2 (11:35): Lizzie. Stay back there. Yeah. Speaker 1 (11:36): Yeah. A little less scary for the ladies here. But again, this whole area were different period rooms. So this one was a French salon. Speaker 3 (11:48): What year were these made? Speaker 1 (11:51): Which year was the room from? Or when were they installed? Speaker 2 (11:57): When were they installed? Don't ask me questions. Speaker 1 (11:59): I don't know the answers to. You know what? I don't know exactly, but I remember they were here in the nineties. Speaker 2 (12:06): In the nineties. Speaker 1 (12:07): So I don't know when they started. Speaker 2 (12:09): Did you guys just hear that? Why Speaker 1 (12:13): There was some kind of noise that they just made them jump? Speaker 2 (12:17): Lizzie, it's Lizzie. It's Lizzie and the Civil War guy. Maybe that's why she's coughing to Frank. She made a friend now. Speaker 1 (12:23): So I know in the nineties they probably took out some of these to start making wave for the Cincinnati wing, and they actually turned what was the French salon here into some offices. And so it went from being this 18th century French salon into just offices. Speaker 2 (12:45): And Speaker 1 (12:46): There was actually a secretary pool in there in the office. And so one night there was one of the secretaries had an office that the door was closed, and two of the other secretaries were noticing that she was still in there and working kind of late. And they just thought, what's her deal? And so they went home. And when they got back in the morning, they asked her, why were you here so late? And she was like, I wasn't here late. I left early yesterday, but why did you guys move all my Speaker 2 (13:18): Furniture around? Oh my God, Speaker 1 (13:22): Somebody or something was here late moving her furniture around, maybe trying to rearrange it back to their 18th century salon style salon. Speaker 2 (13:33): Clearly they didn't like the way she said everything. No, it wasn't very shui at all. No. Speaker 1 (13:37): Oh boy. Yeah. So it had that special ghost touch that they wanted. So Speaker 2 (13:42): Did she move it back? Speaker 1 (13:44): I guess so don't, don't disappointing. They don't. Don't even think that in the story. Speaker 2 (13:47): Something paranormal comes and moves your stuff around. Just leave it. You don't want it to come back and just keep Speaker 1 (13:52): Moving it around You Speaker 2 (13:53): Don't touch it. Speaker 1 (13:54): Just go. Well, that's how it is now. You let Speaker 2 (13:57): The spirit Speaker 1 (13:58): Filing cabinets in the middle of the room. I guess Speaker 2 (14:00): That's just how that goes now. Speaker 1 (14:01): Well, Speaker 2 (14:02): We'll make it work. Speaker 1 (14:03): We're Speaker 2 (14:03): Going to Tim Gun this and make it work. Speaker 1 (14:05): Okay. Well, our next stop is we've got quite a journey. We're going to go all the way up to the third floor. Speaker 2 (14:11): Okay. Speaker 1 (14:11): Okay. So we're going to take the big silver elevator near the cafe all the way up to the third floor. So we are now on the third floor. Speaker 2 (14:28): And the temperature has changed. It is colder. It's because the ghosts are falling over. It is. Speaker 1 (14:32): Well, and just because this building has different temperatures Speaker 2 (14:36): Everywhere Speaker 1 (14:37): On Speaker 2 (14:37): Russell. Speaker 1 (14:38): I'm sorry, I shouldn't be saying things like that with the spirit world. Okay, so remember Frank Duveneck, who we were talking about earlier, Frank Speaker 2 (14:45): And Lizzie. Frank and Lizzie. Frank and Lizzie. Well, Frank Speaker 1 (14:48): Used to have a studio in this very room that we're standing right now where he taught art classes. So this was his art studio. There's actually a picture of it over there on the wall where when we came in, you can kind of see what it looked like. And he had a student who supposedly fell deeply madly in love with Frank. But of course, who was Frank in love with? Speaker 3 (15:14): Lizzie. Lizzie, right? Of course. Not Mary. Speaker 1 (15:16): Not Mary. Maybe this was Mary. Speaker 3 (15:18): Maybe this is Mary. Okay. Speaker 1 (15:20): Maybe this student is named Speaker 3 (15:21): Mary. Mary is Mary. Speaker 1 (15:22): We'll say. It is. So Mary, Speaker 3 (15:24): Mary, Mary Speaker 1 (15:25): Fell very madly, deeply in love with Frank. And of course he did not return her affections. And so distraught by this was Mary that she decided to hang herself from the rafters here in the studio. Oh my Speaker 3 (15:42): God. Speaker 1 (15:43): So yeah. So look up there Speaker 3 (15:46): And why would you have me look at it? Speaker 1 (15:49): What's that? Speaker 3 (15:50): I said, why would you have me look at it? It's terrifying. Speaker 1 (15:51): It's absolutely terrifying. So yeah, she hung herself up there and they say sometimes the motion detectors will go off and the ceilings up here, and then security will look on the cameras and there's nothing here. Speaker 3 (16:07): But it could be like her body swinging or something. And that's why it's so cold up here, Speaker 1 (16:16): Not our air handling system. Speaker 3 (16:18): Caly live. She's swinging above us right now. Right. Oh boy. Well, Speaker 1 (16:23): Now I have to actually look on my sheet. Speaker 3 (16:25): I have also heard rumor that lots of people loved Frank and that we'll call her Mary. Sometimes the guards will hear somebody up here moaning. Speaker 1 (16:37): Really? Speaker 3 (16:39): That's what Emily told me. Speaker 1 (16:40): Everyone loves to just say Frank's name Speaker 3 (16:42): Apparently. Yeah, everybody loves to say Frank's name. Well, Frank apparently had a lot of ladies. What Speaker 1 (16:46): A cassanova. Speaker 3 (16:47): Right? I mean, he just wooed Speaker 1 (16:49): Him. It made such an impression that even from beyond the grave, they can't stop calling his name. So we are now going to go downstairs to Gallery 2 0 9. You can either take the stairs or the elevator down. Okay. So we're now in Gallery 2 0 9. And so far we haven't had, I guess the last ghost was a little scarier. This ghost is actually, this story is maybe a little creepy, but it's actually about a nice ghost Speaker 3 (17:26): Friendly ghost. Yeah. Speaker 1 (17:27): It's our own Casper. So we're here at Mr. Sedgwick by Joshua Reynolds. And one night, one of our buildings and grounds team member was in here cleaning up, probably sweeping, and all of the lights just went out. And what's crazy, his name was Ray. And he had been through lots of other blackouts, but usually we even have emergency lights that stay on. But this time it was like pitch black. Even the emergency lights were out. So he was extra weirded out by this. And in the darkness, he was kind of trying to find his way around and he heard a voice say, stop, stay still be all right. And then when the lights came on, he was facing Mr. Sedgwick. Speaker 3 (18:25): Where's Mr. Sedgwick from? England. England. Speaker 1 (18:28): Yeah. Speaker 3 (18:28): England. Speaker 1 (18:29): So he thought Mr. Sedgwick was actually trying to comfort him, but that maybe his spirit lives on in this painting. Speaker 2 (18:38): He does kind of look like a nice guy. Speaker 3 (18:39): Yeah, he looks very nice. Yeah. Speaker 1 (18:41): Pleasant face. Jerry Cherry cheeks, Speaker 3 (18:45): Because I don't think anybody else in here would want to help them. Oh no, they look busy. They Speaker 1 (18:51): Do. They look busy. They have children to tend to or they are children. Speaker 3 (18:56): Or they are children. But Mr. Sedgwick, thanks for helping Ray out. Speaker 1 (18:59): Yes. Just Speaker 2 (19:01): See me, just He does. He seems very nice. Speaker 1 (19:03): He's our own friendly ghost. Speaker 3 (19:05): But the eyes again, it's like he follows you around the room. He's looking at us. Speaker 1 (19:11): Yeah, he does have that look of, again, a painting that would be in an episode of Scooby-Doo. Speaker 2 (19:16): Yeah, Speaker 3 (19:17): Totally. Speaker 2 (19:17): Where they take the eyeballs out and then there's real eyeballs. Speaker 1 (19:20): Totally. Scooby-Doo or Speaker 3 (19:21): He follows us. Speaker 1 (19:22): We're going to move on to Gallery 2 0 5, the Dutch Gallery. So this one is actually my favorite ghost story because it happened to me. Well kind of. It happened to me. So I was here for a family first Saturday, and I had hired a musician to set up a table in this gallery where we're standing. And I should say, actually, we are standing kind of in Gallery 2 0 5, but right in front of Gallery 2 0 7. So if you want to position yourself like that, if you're here in person, that's probably a good idea. So we were in here and I had set up a table for this guy named Larry. And Larry made loots, which is Speaker 2 (20:15): Larry the loot player. Speaker 1 (20:16): Exactly. Well, he is a loot player and a loot make That's fantastic. And the reason I did that in here is because we have two paintings that feature loots in this room. So I thought it would be an educational experience for everyone Speaker 2 (20:28): Very wise. Speaker 1 (20:28): So he was in here showing his handmade, and he would occasionally, when it was a little quiet, he would pick up his loot and start playing. And he was playing the song that he described to me as basically top 40 of French 18th century Speaker 3 (20:50): With Ryan Seacrest. I don't think Ryan Seacrest was Speaker 1 (20:55): Cle Secrest, I think would be how you pronounce Speaker 3 (20:58): That. Okay, perfect. Speaker 1 (20:59): Perfect. And so he was playing this song, which would've been very popular in 18th century France, but maybe today a little less. So he was playing along and he hears this woman singing along with him and he thought, oh, the guard is very knowledgeable and our guards move around. So he just assumed that that's who it was. And so when she walked back into the room, he said, oh wow, you really know your stuff. That was really impressive. Your French singing was excellent. And she was like, what are you talking about? I wasn't singing. Speaker 3 (21:36): And Speaker 1 (21:37): That's when he looked behind him and saw this painting of our woman here. Speaker 3 (21:43): She's right there. Speaker 1 (21:44): And she's even holding a liar. I believe that is. And that's a painting by Elizabeth Vijay, LeBron. And from France 18th century. There Speaker 3 (21:55): You go. Speaker 1 (21:56): Right Speaker 3 (21:56): Around the same time. Speaker 1 (21:56): Right around the same time period. Top 40, the subject would have definitely known that top of the pops hit that they were singing together. Speaker 3 (22:07): She must have really been impressed by playing his playing and wanted to sing along. Come back to, Speaker 1 (22:13): Yeah. Alright, so we're going to move on now to Gallery two oh three, which we call the San Blio Chapel. Speaker 3 (22:20): Listen for music as we leave. All right guys, this is, it's echoy. It's dark. It's like we can't feel the air anymore. Speaker 1 (22:45): Yeah, this is probably one of the creepiest galleries. I think just by itself, you don't actually kind of need a ghost story in here. It kind of works out by itself. But these are really some of the oldest paintings in the museum, these murals that are around the walls here. They're taken from an old chapel in Spain and brought here. There's actually quite a few of them in other museums all over the place. So one of the things that we've heard reports of, again, our guards give us all the info because they're here after hours doing night checks. And Speaker 3 (23:27): When things like to stir Speaker 1 (23:28): Exactly. The Speaker 3 (23:29): Things go bump in the night. Exactly. Speaker 1 (23:32): So sometimes what several guards have reported is seeing a hooded figure, almost like in a monk's robe that rises out of the floor up here by the altar and kind of levitates. Oh Speaker 3 (23:49): Boy. Speaker 1 (23:50): Yes. Speaker 3 (23:51): What Speaker 1 (23:51): I know. So isn't that exciting? So I said, you don't need a gift story, but now you guys, I Speaker 3 (23:59): Think if I saw something I would just would run. I would just leave. Speaker 1 (24:03): Yeah. Speaker 3 (24:04): The other ghosts, the friendlier ghosts. That's cool. We can hang out. But a dark coed figure, I think I would literally just pass out. Speaker 1 (24:12): I mean, they're monks. I mean, theoretically they're peaceful. They're pretty peaceful. Right. They might just make you whine or something. Speaker 3 (24:18): Ooh, that'd be fun. They're right. And Speaker 4 (24:20): Eliminated scripts. Speaker 3 (24:21): Exactly. Speaker 1 (24:22): They'll do some translation for you. Oh, that fantastic. Right. But that's what monks do. So obviously I think you need to be afraid of monks. They're just scary because they wear hoods Speaker 3 (24:30): Well and he's levitating. Levitating. That's a little creepy. I mean, I guess if I Speaker 4 (24:35): Had the power to levitate, Speaker 1 (24:36): I would want to hoods and cloaks and levitation. I guess all equal creepy. Speaker 3 (24:41): Well, and then behind us, we have an effigy of a dead guy. Speaker 1 (24:46): Yeah, that's true. So I guess we are having some creepiness all around us. Speaker 3 (24:52): I hope they're friends. I hope they, yeah, I hope they hang out mean to each other. I wonder. I do. Everybody has these stories and then you watch movies like Night at the Museum or something. I hope they all party like that. I hope that's what they do when we leave. When Speaker 1 (25:05): They leave. The ghosts are just chilling. Speaker 3 (25:07): Exactly. It's just like having a good time. Speaker 1 (25:10): The cling their mugs of monk wine together. Speaker 3 (25:14): Exactly. Eating all the cookies downstairs at the front lobby. Speaker 1 (25:20): Okay, well let's move on. We're actually going to go to the front lobby where those cookies are. Okay. So here we are on the balcony of the lobby. You're welcome to go down to the actual lobby. So this is a story actually about our own security guards. They've featured so prominently in reporting ghosts throughout the story. So we thought we'd end with one of their own stories. So we had a guard who worked here for many years named Rosemary. And Rosemary often worked at the dewitt entrance. And every day she would walk up from security through the main lobby and go to her post. And every day she would pass by another guard named Kim, and he would say hi to her. Well, one day Rosemary called in sick and she didn't show up. And so the next day she came up through the security entrance and walked past Kim. And Kim said, Hey Rosemary, how you doing? Are you feeling better? And she just ignored him. She just walked on by very Speaker 3 (26:31): Nice of her. Speaker 1 (26:32): And so Kim was a little hurt by this, and he thought, what's her deal? So later on his lunch break, he was down in the break room and he was asking some other guards and he said, do you guys know what's the deal with Rosemary? I asked her today how she was doing, if she was feeling any better. And she just totally ignored me. And the other guards, they just turned white and they said, Kim Rosemary died last night. Speaker 3 (26:57): She died. She died. Speaker 1 (27:00): Yeah. That's why she called it. She was sick. She called in sick and she didn't make it through the night. Speaker 3 (27:06): Oh no. Speaker 1 (27:06): And so even after she died, she still came to work. She still reported. She must have really Speaker 3 (27:13): Loved this Speaker 1 (27:14): Week. I know. She really did. Speaker 3 (27:15): Well, Rosemary, you're watching over us. Speaker 1 (27:18): Well, we hope you've enjoyed our Ghost tour today. And if you've had any spooky experiences in the gallery, we hope you'll share them with us on social media. Sp spooky. Spooky sp thank you for listening to Art Palace. We hope you'll be inspired to come visit the Cincinnati Art Museum and have conversations about the art yourself. General admission to the museum is always free. And now we are also excited to offer free parking special exhibitions on view. Right now are Van Gogh into the Undergrowth Kentucky Renaissance, the Lexington Camera Club, and its community. 1954 through 1974, the book of only Enoch and the Jack Legg Testament, part one, Jack and Eve. And for only a few more days, not in New York. Carl Saay in Cincinnati. For program reservations and more information, visit Cincinnati art museum.org. You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even Snapchat. Our theme song is FRA Music by Balal. If you liked our show, give us a nice review on iTunes, maybe somewhere between 4.9 and six stars. I'm Russell, and this has been Art Palace produced by the Cincinnati Art Museum. Okay, wait, did you say Harry Mary? Oh, Mary. Okay. Okay. Okay, that's good. Now we're done. I'll record. I'll record it.