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The Culture: Hip Hop and Contemporary Art in the 21st Century FREE July 25–28! Learn more about the exhibition.


Art and Food and You

by Shannon Karol


learning & interpretation , Shannon Karol , interpretation , events & programs , food , Art and... , lectures , education

The second season of our popular Art and… lecture series will get off to a tasty start next Wednesday, September 16th.  We are using the theme of Art and Food to explore some of the culinary still lifes currently on view in Northern Baroque Splendor, The HOHENBUCHAU COLLECTION from: LIECHTENSTEIN. The Princely Collections, Vienna.   Not only will this be a fascinating lecture, but it will also be one of your last opportunities to hear about the collection before it returns to Vienna on September 20th.

If you’re not familiar with our Art and… series, it’s based on the principle that we each bring our own unique perspectives to an encounter with an artwork.  Our opinions, interpretations, and questions are all shaped by personal experiences, which means that no two people look at a work of art in the same way.  This is especially true when we bring two experts from different fields together to discuss the same exhibition, which is what will happen on September 16th at 7:00 p.m. We’re serving up a culinary feast for the senses with our Art and Food lecture, featuring Liz Mathews and Chef Meg Galvin.

The first of our experts on Art and Food is Liz Mathews.  Liz is a former photo editor for Bon Appétit Magazine, and the current Managing Director of Visual Media at LPK.  Liz believes that food and photography both serve as a means for storytelling, and she’ll attempt to get to the bottom of the stories being told by the still lifes in the Northern Baroque Splendor exhibition.

Our second expert is Chef Meg Galvin.  Meg is a World Master Chef, as well as an instructor at the Midwest Culinary Institute at Cincinnati State University.  Meg will examine the fruits, vegetables, and wild game on view in the paintings.  She’ll share her knowledge about how these items were harvested, hunted, and served—primarily to the wealthy members of society.

Art and… lectures are held bi-monthly at 7:00 p.m. on the third Wednesday of the month in CAM’s Fath Auditorium.  These lectures are FREE for Art Museum members, $5 for students, and $10 for the public.  Visit or call 721-ARTS to reserve your ticket today!

Image Credit: Abraham van Beyeren (The Hague 1620/21–1690 Overschie), Banquet Still Life, possibly mid-1660s, oil on canvas, Hohenbuchau Collection, on permanent loan to Liechtenstein. The Princely Collections, Vienna, HB 23