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Teacher Professional Development Reflection: Dorris Williams

by Dorris Williams


learning & interpretation , Teacher resources , professional development , Arts Education , Teachers

The Cincinnati Art Museum offers a variety of programs, workshops and presentations for educators to enhance their curriculum and connect students with the art of the Cincinnati Art Museum. For more information on professional development opportunities, please click here. Thank you to Dorris Williams of Hamilton Schools for providing a reflection of her experience. 


My visit to the Cincinnati Art Museum was a great experience that I shared with other art teachers from my school district. Samantha was our tour guide and she gave my group a detailed look at how we can incorporate the Cincinnati Art Museum into our classrooms and school community. There are so many new things I learned at the Cincinnati Art Museum such as the art carts, rotation of the artwork, and the children’s area: the Rosenthal Education Center (REC).


ceramics art cart


The Japanese Tea Ceremony Art Cart gave me ideas of how I could incorporate this into my classroom when studying the Japanese culture. The Ceramics Art Cart had examples of clay at different stages and students could start a conversation about how clay is made and the process from beginning to end.


square tiles with details of finger printshexagon and pentagon tiles arranged together with wiring and small shells


I loved learning about the Cincinnati Art Museum and the history of the building itself. Incorporating the Cincinnati Art Museum website into my lessons will allow my students to see real works of art in their community. I learned about the artwork at the museum, both in the permanent collections and the rotating special exhibitions. Having students see contemporary artists helps them relate to what is being made in the art world now and it starts a conversation when comparing and contrasting two pieces from different eras. Also, as a teacher, it helps me stay current with new trends or art-making skills in the art world today.


3-D printer


The other part of the day that stood out was when we visited the REC. This benefited me as a teacher because I teach elementary art and the stations that were provided in this room gave me great ideas to create learning centers in my classroom. Overall, I had a great experience learning more about what all the Cincinnati Art Museum has to offer. Check out their website for great resources you can use in your classroom today! Thanks, Samantha!