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My Interpretation Monday: Jar by Melanie

by CAM Social Media


My Interpretation Monday , interpretation , social media , in the galleries , Asian Art

We’ve asked Cincinnati Art Museum lovers to send us thoughts and feelings about an artwork at the Art Museum! We feature these thoughts for #MyInterpretationMonday. This week,  Hamilton High School Student Melanie talks about her favorite piece at CAM.

There are many pieces at the Cincinnati Art Museum, but only one stood out the most. The Jar, is an exquisite piece made by someone unknown. It may not have a variety of colors but the unique design fits well with just the vibrant blue. It stood out to me due to the pattern, shape and color. The pattern stands out because of its flowery movement. The color stands out because it’s also my favorite color. Along with the color, the shape is wider in the middle and skinnier on the very top and bottom.

There are many reasons why I like this piece. One is because it’s all different shades of calming blue. Another reason is because the flowery design reminds me of my childhood. This may look like just a jar, but to me it looks a lot different. Years ago, my mom planted these morning glories, and ever since then, when they bloomed for the first time I went outside real early in the morning just to sit and watch them open up. Just looking at them makes me feel all warm inside along with making me smile.

Share your interpretation on CAM’s blog! Send your #MyInterpretationMonday to [email protected] and we will feature your perspective on an upcoming Monday!

Image Credit: China Jar, Early Ming Dynasty (15th Century) Porcelain; John J. Emery Endowment and George Mitoewater Endowment, 1987.147