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Employed: A Staff Art Exhibition celebrates Cincinnati Art Museum tradition

9/29/2016 12:00:00 AM

October 29, 2016–February 19, 2017

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CINCINNATI—The Cincinnati Art Museum will continue its legacy of supporting Cincinnati artists with Employed: A Staff Art Exhibition, on view October 29, 2016–February 19, 2017.

An independent juror selected more than 70 unique artworks, created by 37 working artists from the Cincinnati region who lead dual lives as artists and as museum professionals. The exhibition features fashion, sculpture, painting, photography and digital art—in many media and forms.

Since the Cincinnati Art Museum’s founding in the 19th century, artists and art students have been integral to the development of the museum. From Frank Duveneck’s painting classes to the linked history of the Art Academy of Cincinnati and continued partnerships with local artists and art organizations, the museum has a longstanding dedication to living artists and art arising from the greater region.

Generations of Cincinnati artists have studied the encyclopedic collections of the Cincinnati Art Museum, taught students in the galleries, and painted and sculpted in museum spaces. Today, artists continue to contribute directly to the advancement of the museum in a wide diversity of roles. Those talented artists simultaneously bring the history of art to a new generation while writing the continuing story of our region.

“A group exhibition such as this affords a unique opportunity for these ‘hidden’ artists to be revealed and grace the walls of this venerable institution,” said Dennis Harrington, Weston Art Gallery Director and Employed juror. “I hope my selections provide the viewing public with an eclectic and stimulating offering of contemporary artistic approaches.”

Employed coordinators Josh Rectenwald, museum preparator, and Kim Flora, head of museum design and installation, were impressed with the quality and caliber of submissions.

“Some of the art revealed artistic style and subject matter miles away from what I would’ve imagined. I hope this helps visitors realize that the museum isn’t just an assortment of artwork and artifacts; it’s also a collection of highly creative and passionate people,” said Rectenwald.

Two highly anticipated original exhibitions Van Gogh: Into the Undergrowth and Kentucky Renaissance: The Lexington Camera Club and Its Community, 1954–1974 will also be on view at the Cincinnati Art Museum in October, November and December. General museum admission, parking and the Employed exhibition will be free.


About the Cincinnati Art Museum
The Cincinnati Art Museum is supported by the generosity of individuals and businesses that give annually to ArtsWave. The Ohio Arts Council helps fund the Cincinnati Art Museum with state tax dollars to encourage economic growth, educational excellence and cultural enrichment for all Ohioans. The Cincinnati Art Museum gratefully acknowledges operating support from the City of Cincinnati, as well as our members.

General admission to the Cincinnati Art Museum is always free and parking is free. The museum is open Tuesday–Sunday, 11 a.m.–5 p.m. and from 11 a.m.–8 p.m. every Thursday beginning November 3, 2016.

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