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Behind the Scenes in Conservation: New African Art Galleries

by Conservation


behind the scenes , conservation , African Art Gallery , African Art , objects conservation

various African artifacts in conservation


This week in objects conservation: For our new African art gallery, we will have some of the collection on view in storage drawers. This will allow a large number of light-sensitive objects to be on permanent view to the public, but protected from light when closed in their cabinet. In order to ensure the safety of each object, and to prevent rolling or rubbing when drawers are opened and closed, inserts of soft but firm foam were sized to the drawers.  As shown here, our objects conservator then carved a unique, perfectly sized void in the foam for each piece.  Each object is now fully supported, eliminating the movement and stresses that could cause wear or even breakage as the drawers are opened and closed.  Come look in the drawers in December when our African art gallery opens!